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Job offer: Sales Manager - Baltic Connexions

We are sharing with you a job offer within the company Baltic Connexions, for the position of Sales Manager.

The profile and the missions:

Can you switch easily from French to English?

Are you passionate about travel and customer relations?

Do you have strong communication skills and enjoy interpersonal relationships?

As a sales manager in France, you will be facing new challenges and ambitious sales targets, in a supportive team and under excellent working conditions.

If this is the case, then don't hesitate, this offer is made for you!

And don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Tel: +372 503 8041

About Baltic Connexions:

Baltic Connexions: an Estonian eco-responsible company, sensitive to the well-being of its employees and the planet.

As a manufacturer of quality storage and garden sheds, we use only Nordic wood.

The majority of our production is exported to German-speaking countries, but also to French online shops and specialised retailers.


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